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EB Psychotherapy Blog

Explore our blog for insightful articles, personal reflections and ideas on topics that you may care about and that we are hoping will be thought provoking.

Shame: A Hidden Toxic Force

Understanding Healthy Shame

Healthy shame is a natural emotion that reminds us of our limitations. It's a crucial part of being human, signaling that we aren't perfect and that it's okay to have limits. Unlike the false promises of unlimited power often promoted by self-help gurus, recognizing our limits keeps us grounded and authentic.

Neurotic Shame

The Connection Between Trauma and Pain

Many people find it hard to believe that their current pain might be linked to past trauma. It's crucial to explain this connection in a way that resonates with each person. We often start with a simple explanation of the fear-bracing-pain cycle. Once this basic pattern is understood, it becomes easier to address deeper issues, including past traumatic experiences that might surface.

The Myth of Multitasking: How to Truly Boost Your Productivity

Multitasking involves attempting to handle several tasks at once. While it might seem efficient, it actually isn't very effective. Our brains aren't equipped to concentrate on multiple important activities at the same time. When you try to manage two or more crucial tasks simultaneously, your productivity declines. Additionally, frequently shifting between tasks can cause mental exhaustion quickly.

Overcoming Procrastination by Tackling Overstimulation

The Role of Overstimulation in Procrastination
We often overlook one of the most significant reasons for procrastination: overstimulation. When we're calm and focused, making progress on our main work can be surprisingly easy. You might even find yourself excited about achieving your goals each day. However, overstimulation often prevents us from reaching that calm and focused state.